Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Business of Politics!

Whom to vote has become whom not to vote?

As elections are nearing, marketing of politics and politicians has picked up like never before. Today's campaign is what a man can do and what a man cant do rather than focussing on the party as a collective unit. Either you vote for Modi or you vote against Modi. In a country of 1.3 billion it has come to one mans ability or disability to swing 2019 election. 

We are kept so busy with the news of pro and anti him that we are not asking the right questions?

Democracy is just a myth. I am as scared of my local political party as I would have in British era. Chowkidar or Pappu anyone who comes to rule doesn't matter. How will either of them change my life for good matters. What are the next 5 years key areas? How will the nations economy and standard of living improve? Will we get better infrastructure or our hassles of living in the current scenario will worsen? 

The focus should be on how will we improve as a nation rather than what one man can deliver individually. Also I wonder if the current PM is busy strategising to win the next election, who is doing current work?

PS. Blog is short because I don't think we individually can make an difference. We, 1.3 billion people of this nation, need our own Modi to wake us up in right way.

Tags: Modi Space Satellite MissionShakti Mitron PMAddressToNation PMModi Russia China Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO DRDO Congress